Batting tips

While learning to be a better slow pitch softball hitter, it is always important that you do get “the basics” right. If you don't, the effects can be terrible. You can end up hitting a lazy fly ball to the outfield, or hitting a slow ground ball to an infielder. Either way it’s an out. Here are some tips to keep that from happening. 

Choosing the Right Bat: First, choose the right bat and grip for your body type and strength. Bat speed is the most important factor in hitting a ball hard and there are exercises aimed at increasing that speed. But if you don’t pick the right bat size in the first place, you’ll never get the results you’re looking for. So don't go overboard on bat weight. Most slow pitch hitters do best with a 28-ounce bat. Some studies have shown that heavier bats lose bat speed more quickly when they come in contact with the ball, so a 26-ounce bat may hit a ball harder than a 29-ounce bat swung at the same speed.
Choose a grip that is comfortable. One grip popular with many top players puts the knob of the bat between the ring and pinkie finger. The top hand overlaps the bottom hand by at least one finger. Some batters overlap three fingers, leaving only the thumb and first finger of the top hand in contact with the bat. These grips are designed to increase bat speed. 

The Swing: The most common error batters make on a slow pitch softball swing is letting up when the bat contacts the ball. The bat should accelerate through the ball, not slow down on contact. Keep the hands relaxed and loose around the bat. During the swing, push with the top, or back, hand while pulling with the bottom, or front, hand. Throw the hands at the ball first so the bat head is the last thing to come into the strike zone. Aim at the bottom of the ball to increase backspin and distance. During the swing, the batter should shift his weight from the back foot to the front foot to add power. Let the top hand come off the bat at the end of the swing. It can increase power although it is not initially comfortable for many batters.

Swing Speed: Swing fast at the ball, try to get the barrel of the bat to meet the middle of the ball. Make sure you time your swing right, to deliver a powerful shot. Extend your arms when you go through with your hitting motion. You can try spin shots by hitting the lower part of the ball. This maximizes the distance it travels, with an increase in the spin. Once the bat makes contact with the ball, continue with your swing, even after the impact. The natural swing should be followed through completely. This ensures a longer hit. Lastly, by leading your swing with your hands you make sure that your arms get extended and you will naturally snap your wrists once your hands move past your body. This can help with hitting line drives to all parts of the field. If you’re not hitting line drives, chances are your arms are not extended.

Hitting Posture: Your posture not only helps maintain balance, but also provides stability to deliver more powerful hits. Slightly bend your right leg (if you are right-handed) and back, before the pitch. There must be a gradual shift of weight from the back foot to the front foot as the stroke is executed. The shoulder should be lifted slightly during the swing, and should not drop back. The thrust of the hands in the direction of the pitcher will deviate the ball and prevent it from being caught by the pitcher. Remember to keep the body and leg posture the same for all pitch locations, and simply make adjustments with your hands. This will help maintain balance, and give you a better chance of hitting every pitch.

Eyes on the Ball: To deliver a successful hit, the vital thing is making solid contact with the ball. Always keep your eyes on the ball, anticipate the pitch, and then strike with accuracy. Practice hitting different types of pitch to perfect this.

Fixing Problems: If you’re constantly popping the ball up, you’re probably dropping your back shoulder. Concentrate on keeping it up during the swing. You might also be dropping your hands - get them up, as well. If you keep hitting the ball straight back to the pitcher, you should try to throw your hands directly at the pitcher during the swing, which will change the direction of the ball. Hitting ground balls and lack of power can often be corrected by concentrating on driving forward with the legs during the swing. 

Check out this link on Hitting a Slow Pitch Softball: Slow Pitch Stance and Hitting