The Codgers go indoors every winter to play Turf Ball. These are indoor games played on the indoor turf field at TJO Sports, 33 Highfield Drive in Falmouth. An evening session has been added for the 2024-2025 season.
Players must pay in cash when they arrive at the game. Current cost is $15 (for day games) and $20 (for evening sessions). This money covers the cost of renting the facility.
Since there are a limited number of slots available for each game, signup prior to the game is required. Signups can be made on the SignUpGenius website. A link to the following month's sessions will be sent via email to all Codger members. Those links are also listed on this page. Players must cancel any reservation they have made if they cannot attend the game. This allows other players to sign up for their slot.
Signup Links for the 2024-2025 season:
We have added a Friday morning session. This is mostly intended for new and D1 players. BP starts at 10:30, followed by a game. Please signup at the link below:
NOTE: If you have never signed up for a summer or fall season before, you must sign a waiver in order to participate in Turf Ball. You can print a copy from our Downloads page and bring it with you.
Here are the specifics of the game:
- Batting practice followed by pickup game in which players sign up ahead of time to play on the actual day(s) with teams to be formed at the game.
- We will use a Use Franklin OL1000 balls (cork cores) that are weight and size comparable to the Codger 52s, but which behave more like traditional softballs on the turf fields than the rubber balls used in the Gus Canty Rec Center (Franklin 4 Official League Softballs). They are more limited flight balls, are softer and less likely to inflict harm or damage playing indoors and in close quarters.
- Catcher position is rotated and may be provided by the batting team depending on the turnout.
- Live pitching.
- Standard Codger infield and pitching dimensions
- Balls that hit the net ceiling and drop into the infield are foul balls
- Balls hitting the ceiling and going into outfield are live fair balls
- Balls hitting the ceiling and/or walls that are caught are outs.
- A pitching screen will be used
- We will use double innings to maximize efficiency.